Resume & Successful Grants

Lucy Loomis



MLS, Library Service, Columbia University, New York, NY, 1984
BA, Writing and Literature, Marlboro College, Marlboro, VT, 1980

Employment History
Grantwriter and Grant Consultant, 1998 -- present
Library Director, Sturgis Library, Barnstable Village, MA, 2003 – present
Library Director, Plumb Memorial Library, Rochester, MA. 1993 – 2003
Reference Librarian, Whitman Public Library, Whitman, MA, 1992-1993
Reference Librarian, Storughton Public Library, Stoughton, MA, 1984-1991

Selected Successful Grants Written/Administered

 Archival Storage and HVAC Project 
Sturgis Library
$250,000 for the Barnstable Community Preservation Committee

Archival Storage and HVAC Project
Sturgis Library
$120,000 from the Massachusetts Cultural Facilities Fund 

Sandy Neck Archives/History Project 
Sturgis Library 
$700 from MidCape Cultural Council 

Building Renovations and Repairs
West Parish Memorial Foundation
$250,000 from the Barnstable CPC

Museum/School Collaboration
Centerville Historical Museum
$750 from the Mid-Cape Regional Cultural Council

Building Renovation & Repairs
Centerville Public Library
$250,000 from the Massachusetts Cultural Facilities Fund

Monument Renovation & Repairs
Pilgrim Monument & Provincetown Museum
$250,000 from the  Massachusetts Cultural Facilities Fund

Digital Deed Archive Index
Sturgis Library
$1,500 from the Mid-Cape Regional Cultural Council

FAIR Storytelling Grant
7 Village Libraries of Barnstable
$1,000 from MassHumanites

Building Preservation Project
Sturgis Library
$75,300 from the Barnstable CPC

Equipment Grant
7 Village Libraries of Barnstable
$1,000 from the Arts Foundation of Cape Cod

Building Renovation & Preservation
Sturgis Library
$246,700 from the Massachusetts Cultural Facilities Fund

On the Same Page Community Reading
7 Village Libraries of Barnstable
$7,500 from LSTA

Barnstable Patriot Newspaper Digitization Project
Sturgis Library
$40,000 from LSTA

Barnstable Patriot Newspaper Digitization Project
Sturgis Library
$20,000 from the Barnstable CPC

Archival Cataloging
Barnstable Historical Society
$15,000 from Barnstable CPC

GALE Grant for LGBT Library Materials
Sturgis Library
$800 from the Cape Cod Foundation GALE Fund

Archival Cataloging
Sturgis Library
$34,000 from LSTA

Construction Grant
Plumb Memorial Library
$1,700,000 for the State of Massachusetts

Preservation of Historic Materials
Plumb Memorial Library, Rochester Historical Society, and the Congregational Churches of Rochester
$25,000 from LSTA